
Fabric printing factory

Printing on fabric is one of the oldest handicrafts and it can be said that this art is tied to the textile industry because humans have always sought to create diversity in their clothing In this way, they are inspired by the surrounding environment and nature. In the past, design and printing on fabric was one of the most difficult stages of fabric production because it was done in a traditional way, but today, with the help of digital printing machines, this stage of the textile industry It has undergone a huge transformation. In the past, the choices for creating designs and patterns on fabric were more limited, but today, in fabric printing factories and with the presence of advanced machines and devices, any design and pattern can be made Printed on cloth.

Types of fabric printing methods

Today, in the fabric printing factory, all kinds of printing methods are implemented on the scratching of fabrics, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages، In the following, we will get to know some of them. Direct digital printing: One of the best methods of fabric printing is the direct method because it allows printing images with the highest quality and the lowest cost؛ In this method, an inkjet printer with special ink implements the desired design directly from the computer on the fabric and to dry and heat it from the drying tunnel or heat press is used. Stencil printing: This method is used for fabric dyeing and is done by wooden or plastic stencils. Sublimation printing: This printing method, which is very popular today, has many advantages, including high quality, saving time and money. This method includes solid sublimation to gas؛ For sublimation printing, it is enough to trico the desired design with a printer and sublimation ink on the special printing paper, and then put the paper on the fabric and heat it so that the design is printed on paper on fabric. Roller printing: In this method, special rollers are used to print color on the fabric. In roller printing, the fabric passes through the engraved rollers, each of which prints a color on the fabric.

  •  Drain printing: This method is used to remove the painted parts of the fabric.
  • Resistant printing: In this type of printing, it is first poured from a strong glue on the
  • fabric and then dyeing is done. Screen printing: Screen printing involves transferring patterns with the help of screens.

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  • Template printing: As its name suggests, templates are used to implement and print the desired
  • design on the fabric compact. Photo or optical printing: In this type of printing, the surface of the fabric is covered with chemicals that are very sensitive to light, then any photo can be taken like negative photos that must be shone on the surface of that light printed on it. The parts that are exposed to light are colored and the parts that are not exposed remain colorless..

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Features and equipment of fabric printing factory

The fabric printing factory should have a suitable space for placing all kinds of fabric printing machines, fabric and paper balls. Brush printing factories on fabric may need different equipment and devices according to the type of activity they do, for example, all kinds of sublimation devices، Calender or heat press, direct press, all kinds of fabric printing machine and … In addition, the facilities and equipment of professional and professional forces are one of the most important needs of any factory, not just a textile printing factory.

Features of a professional fabric printing factory

  • A successful rotary fabric printing factory should prioritize diversity and creativity and always try to produce diverse products based on the needs of the society.
  • Quality, identity card and product representative of a textile pigment printing factory.
  • Unique designs and printing and production of various types of fabrics based on the needs of buyers guarantee the success of a
  • fabric printing factory. Timely delivery of products to customers and trying to provide better services online is also one of the pillars of a successful fabric printing factory.
  • At the beginning of the article, we said that we are going to introduce you to one of the best fabric printing collections.

It may be a little sad to introduce a company as the best fabric printing company, but now that you are familiar with the features of a good fabric reactive printing company, you know that in A textile printing company should carry out all weaving processes, dyeing, fabric printing using the best and most up-to-date machines and machines

Aram Completion Company under the brand name Unitex, using an experienced staff and using very advanced European dyeing and finishing machines and devices in the field of textiles and textile services They are world famous, this company specializes in processes such as weaving, dyeing and finishing a wide range of textiles, including tari podi and knitting؛ Aram Completion has always been a leader in quality and satisfying customers with various products at very reasonable prices and various innovations. The quiet collection prioritizes promising completion and timely delivery of products؛ Also, to accelerate and improve the provision of services by creating a website, it has made it possible to view products for dear customers. The philosophy of the birth of this company is based on the complete elimination of waste. Aram Completion Complex has always put environmental protection on its agenda, and for this purpose, by building water supply pools and treating outgoing effluent with an area of approximately 700 square meters The installation of modern wastewater treatment equipment has done environmental protection and protection in turn, which is unique in its kind.

Frequently asked questions

Explain the types of fabric printing methods ؟

Direct digital printing, stencil printing, sublimation printing, roller printing, discharge printing

What are the characteristics of a professional fabric printing factory ؟

  • A successful fabric printing factory should prioritize diversity and creativity and always try to produce diverse products based on the needs of the society. Quality is the birth certificate and representative of the products of a textile printing factory. Unique designs and printing and production of various types of fabrics based on the needs of buyers guarantee the success of a fabric printing factory. Timely delivery of products to customers and trying to provide better services online is also one of the pillars of a successful fabric printing factory.

• What is direct digital printing ؟

One of the best methods of fabric printing is the direct method because it allows printing images with the highest quality and the lowest cost؛ In this method, an inkjet printer with special ink implements the desired design directly from the computer on the fabric and to dry and heat it from the drying tunnel or heat press is used.

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